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New Member Info
As a new Sourdough Wilderness Ranch member you will soon find that you have discovered a wilderness paradise and your new home away from home. We know you will enjoy your new site and all the amenities that the Ranch has to offer. Here are a few things that will help you understand what we are all about and what our expectations are from every Member:
  • Sourdough Wilderness Ranch is a private corporation owned property. Our agreement with the County and the Ogden Valley Trust is to maintain the Ranch as a wilderness and maintaining a natural environment.
  • A single Member owns one share of the corporation (not a deed). This share grants the lease rights to one lot. The Member pays the annual dues of $400 per year plus taxes for structures on the property. Failure to pay the dues may cause the Corporation to revoke access and/or membership to the Ranch.
  • There are rules and policies that govern the activity on the Ranch, the same as found in other organizations where society requires some regulation. A Rules, Regulations and Policy manual is available on this website which govern the Ranch and its members.
  • The Corporation does not sell camp sites or membership to the public. The Corporation membership is limited to 719 members and the only way a person can buy into the Ranch is by purchasing it from a previous owner who wishes to sell their membership. Sales are therefore between individuals and will require a new certificate of ownership issued from the Sourdough office.
  • The Ranch is managed by a 9 member elected Board of Trustees with Corporate Officers and Management personnel.
  • The Ranch is a gated area and requires a key for access.  
  • Building restrictions limit a camp site to only a small shed, screen house, and small deck. This is a wilderness site so NO CABINS can be built. An RV unit can stay on the Ranch to reflect the county rules,  it must be self-contained and if kept on a camping site during the winter should have an engineered approved snow canopy built over it to protect the RV from the winter conditions. The Ranch does have a dump station, spring water, and outhouses throughout the ranch.
  • There are two springs that water can be obtained from and several fishing ponds that can be fished leisurely and easily. A kids fishing pond for young age 3-12 is also available with stocked fish.
  • The fishing and hunting is controlled by rules in the Rules, Regulation, and policy manual and by State laws. The limits are set by the Ranch and fishing user permits are required for anyone who is not a Member by definition. Each guest who wants to fish Sourdough will need a fishing permit in their name & they are required to wear while fishing at the ranch. Fish permits are available for purchase at the cabin on weekends, the office during scheduled hours or online(must arrange pick up if using this method). ATVs can be ridden by an owner, their family, and their guests on the Ranch.     
  • Only ATVs registered by the Member are allowed on the Ranch. An identification plate for each ATV has to be purchased at a small cost and must be displayed on the vehicle.
     There is no power on the Ranch and the property is pristine in nature and is subject to all inclement weather and conditions that are prevalent with mountainous areas.
     The Ranch has no liability for your assets. It is highly recommended that Members carry insurance on their personal property in the event of fire, theft, etc.
     We know you will enjoy being a member of Sourdough Ranch! 
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